They're JUST Coming Home!
Three hours; a good Saturday morning (or afternoon)! Even with the clearly documented statistics of the book, "Too Valuable To Lose;" even with the increasing number of books and articles giving insight on the subject of reentry; even with the efforts of a few churches and mission agencies to address the issues of missionary reentry, the subject still remains "in the closet!" "Too little; too late!" comes the heart cry from many returning missionaries. Using his book, THE REENTRY TEAM: Caring For Your Returning Missionaries as the basis, Neal Pirolo builds on the good Biblical foundation for reentry care in the Book of Acts. After establishing this simply stated five step process, he speaks of the many human dilemma factors which make this process so difficult to follow. Then, using actual reentry stories written by returning missionaries, participants explore the issues that confronted them. And search out the solutions for their own missionary friends. What's the BIG DEAL? They're JUST Coming Home! *
For more information about hosting this seminar or its availability in your area, please e-mail or call (858) 292-7020 Financial policy:
We request round-trip transportation costs, room and board while we are with you, and an honorarium as the Lord leads. |