Prepare For Battle!

Basic Training in Spiritual Warfare


Prepare For Battle Book Cover

"I hate war!" Neal declares in his opening paragraph. "But my hatred for the enemy of our souls is greater than my abhorrence of war!" The war is raging on two levels: The inward struggle and the battle for lost souls. To the degree that we are living in the victory that Christ won for us on Calvary, we are able to aggressively engage in the battle for lost souls. Making reference to over 700 Scriptures that point to victory in battle, Neal focuses on the basics, yet with significant, new insights in these areas: Spiritual Armor, Spiritual Weapons, Our Attitude Toward War, Tactics of satan, Spiritual Authority, Principles of War, and Strategies for Battlefield Living. Each chapter is followed by with PRACTICAL INSIGHTS written by Yvonne from her experiences.

Reader comments:
"Some people deny that we are at war, yet others have convoluted ideas about it. Neither is effective in battle. The Pirolos' understanding of spiritual warfare (based on Scripture) and their own experiences (also based on Scripture) provide insightful and useful help for any Christian's life." Aimee W.

"This is a practical, concise manual on spiritual warfare. It is simple to read and understand, but very well thought out and very Scripturally-based. This book is not just for pastors and missionaries, but should be in the library of every Christian." Michelle V.

Prepare For Battle!
288 pages; paperback

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