This is an intense three day, 21 hour seminar for church mission leadership. A 230-page Manual is provided ahead of time for seminar preparation. Each of the 17 segments has readings; most have a self-evaluation. Each session ends with writing down the next step for your church to take. The final hour is spent in prioritizing the 17 "next steps." The Manual then becomes a step-by-step guide tailored to your church.
The 17 segments are:
- Defining a Working Statement
- Leadership Roles
- Stimulating Grass-Roots Involvement
- Training For Grass-Roots Involvement
- Developing an Evaluation Tool
- Formulating Policy
- Studying Acts, Cross-Culturally
- Creative Financing for Cross-Cultural Ministry
- Bridging Cultural Distinctives
- Spiritual Warfare
- National Ministries: A Working Relationship
- Avenues to International Involvement
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Identifying Your Cross-Cultural Workers
- Training Your Cross-Cultural Workers
- Sending Your Cross-Cultural Workers
- Supporting Your Cross-Cultural Workers
This seminar is offered regionally by request.
About Hosting a Nothing G O O D Just Happens! Seminar
Hosting a NGJH! Seminar is a tremendous, privileged responsibility. It involves coordinating the following aspects.
1) Participants: A minimum of five churches with two-four participants from each church is necessary for good interaction. Because this seminar has proven valuable for churches with already established programs as well as for beginners, you should be able to find the minimum of five churches within your network. But if not, we may be able to send you names of churches in your area who have indicated an interest.
2) Schedule: We need a full 21 hours of classroom time. The most convenient time seems to be Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. We are open to other time frames. One who makes a commitment to the seminar must attend all the sessions.
3) Seminar location and housing: The most natural location would be your home church. If you wish to schedule the seminar at a nearby retreat center, that would be great. The distinct advantage of a retreat is that the people have "come away" for a special time. It also keeps "home distractions" from taking participants away from the seminar. The disadvantage, of course, would be the cost. If people in your church are willing to house visiting participants, the room and board costs can be quite minimal. Participants from local churches can stay at their own home.
4) Food: A noon meal and a morning and afternoon snack break must be considered. Local restaurants or food brought creative! Breakfast or evening meals at host homes or on their own as you determine!
5) Costs to consider:
- Promotional costs depend on how aggressively you promote the event.
- Facility costs depend on your church policy or your renting a retreat center.
- Room and board costs for visiting participants depend on where you house them.
- Our costs are round trip transportation for two (We can do our own booking.) and room and board while we are with you. (Staying in a home is fine.)
- Tuition is $100 per participant. That includes the 230-page Manual and it being mailed to the participants with them receiving it a minimum of a month ahead of the scheduled seminar.
- There is a reasonable amount of reading and a Church Missions Evaluation to complete.
If you are interested in hosting a Nothing G O O D Just Happens! Seminar, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and he will get you started! A financial consideration is offered to the host church for their coordination work.
Nothing G O O D Just Happens! For more information about hosting this seminar or its availability in your area, please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (858) 292-7020